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Chinese translation for "grass green"


Related Translations:
grass:  n.1.草;牧草;牧草地,牧场;草地,草原。2.〔pl.〕 【植物;植物学】禾本科植物;〔pl.〕 草叶;〔俚语〕龙须菜,芦笋,蒿苣,(色拉中的)生菜。3.草绿时节,春天。4.【矿物】矿山地面,矿井地面。5.〔英俚〕(印刷厂的)临时排字工作,临时工作。6.【无线电】噪音细条,(雷达屏上的)“毛草”。7.〔俚语〕大麻〔北美产的毒品〕。8.闲居(处)。短语和例子All fles
barnyard grass:  [millet] 稗。
eel grass:  n.【植物;植物学】大叶藻。
grass skiing:  滑草(运动)〔长满青草或覆盖着稻草的斜坡上滑下的运动〕。
umbrella grass:  【植物;植物学】澳洲稷。
cambric grass:  苎麻。
wire grass:  【植物;植物学】狗尾草。
china grass:  【植物;植物学】宁麻,线麻。
bermuda grass:  鸭茅。
grass tree:  1.黄胶草属〔百合科植物,产澳洲,茎木质粗短,顶端密生长叶,可产香树脂〕。2.澳洲千年木〔龙舌兰科植物〕,
Example Sentences:
1.Mommie , why is the grass green and the sky blue
2.Grass green meadow green oliver green
3.Color : tangerine , grass green , light blue , creamcolored and could be decided by customer
4.I have been green , too , miss eyre - ay , grass green : not a more vernal tint freshens you now than once freshened me
5.Application of mixture - planting of shrub and grass in slope protection and remediation is more propitious to form three - dimensional and multiple vegetation structure than single grass greening , it also produces better effect on stabilization and beautification of the side - slope
6.The chrysoprase that attains the precious stone class contain four kinds of greens adjust : the grandmother is green , the grass green , apple is green and jade - green . the characteristics of the good jadeite is : first the color and luster is gorgeous and brilliant ; the next in order the quality is strong and tough and rare
7.The design comes in two styles high collar and reverse collar and five different color combinations : red cotton with dark blue velvet treated polyester ; navy blue with light blue velvet treated polyester ; grass green cotton with light green velvet treated polyester ; bright green cotton with light yellow velvet treated polyester , and purple cotton with pink velvet treated polyester
8.The greens on 10gy in the green chart : mugwort - back green , jialing river green , tender lily green , grasshopper green , water green , hydrangea green , mantis green , pea green , chalcedony green , leafy green , parisian green , plum green , plum green , fluorite green , rice sprout green , cabbage green , bean green , glaze green , algae green , tussah silkworm green , wheat - wave green , snake gallbladder green , green bean green , light gray green , dark glaze green , duck - weed green , grass green , and yew green
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